What is FPO in Share Market- simplified in 7 sections

Hello Traders and Investors, welcome to all of you on the SkillFinalyst blog. There are so many ways to invest in a company, FPO full form in banking (Follow-on public offerings ) is one of them but we should have a deep understanding of the investment products to invest our hard earned money to grow, In this article I will explain the term FPO, after reading this article you will have a clear idea of What is FPO in Share Market in detail also you can easily differentiate FPO vs IPO to take informed decision.

What is FPO in Share Market

What is FPO in Share Market?


The world of stock market offers investors diverse opportunities to participate in wealth creation. One such route is through a follow-on public offering (FPO). In this article, we will explore the concept of FPOs, their importance in the stock market and their functioning. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of FPOs, investors can make informed decisions and approach this aspect of the stock market with confidence.

What is FPO?

FPO, or Follow-on Public Offering, is a process through which a publicly traded company raises additional capital by offering more shares to the public. It acts as a secondary market offering conducted by a company that is already listed on the stock exchange, with the aim of expansion, investment or meeting debt repayment requirements. Unlike an initial public offering (IPO), which marks a company’s first entry into the public market, an FPO occurs after the completion of an IPO.

Objectives and Reasons of FPO

Companies choose to start an FPO for various reasons. A primary objective is to raise funds for expansion, such as funding new projects, acquisitions, or research and development activities. Additionally, companies can use FPOs to reduce debt by allocating income to pay off outstanding debt or liabilities. Another objective of the FPO can be to increase the liquidity in the stock by increasing the number of freely tradable shares, which can attract more investors and improve the market capitalization of the company.

FPO Process and Mechanics

There are several steps involved in the FPO process. Initially, the company appoints underwriters who help determine the offering price, structure the offering, and facilitate the sale of shares. Once the underwriter is appointed, the company prepares a draft prospectus that includes essential information about the offering, such as financial details, business operations, risks and objectives.

Thereafter, the company files a prospectus with the appropriate regulatory authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in India or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States. The prospectus is thoroughly reviewed, and necessary approvals are obtained before the offering can proceed.

After regulatory approval, the company launches the FPO by announcing the issue size, offer price and timeline for subscription. Investors can then participate in the FPO by submitting their bids through brokers or online trading platforms. Bids may be at or above the minimum price fixed by the Company.

Once the subscription period is over, the company evaluates the bids and determines the final price at which the shares will be allotted. The shares are then credited to the D-MAT (dematerialized) accounts of the investors, and the funds are debited from their bank accounts. The newly issued shares become tradable on the stock exchange.

Impact on Existing Shareholders

The existing shareholders are affected by the FPO in various ways. Issuance of additional shares dilutes ownership, as the percentage of ownership of existing shareholders decreases proportionately. However, if the FPO is successful and the company uses the funds efficiently, it could lead to increased profitability and growth potential, which could have a positive effect on the stock price. Therefore, existing shareholders should weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with the FPO before taking an investment decision.

Evaluation of FPO as an Investment Opportunity

It is important to do thorough research and analysis when considering investing in an FPO. Investors should assess the financial health of the company, growth prospects and the purpose for which the funds will be used. It is essential to review the company’s past performance, its industry position, competitive advantages and future growth strategies. Understanding the risks involved, such as market conditions, regulatory changes and company-specific challenges, is critical in making an informed investment decision.

Furthermore, investors should evaluate the value of the FPO shares in comparison to the intrinsic value of the company. Analysis of financial ratios, cash flow and profitability metrics can provide insight into a company’s valuation. Additionally, examining a company’s management team, their experience and their track record can provide valuable information about the company’s ability to execute its growth plans.

Lastly, investors should consider their investment objectives, risk tolerance and portfolio diversification strategy while evaluating FPOs. It is recommended to seek advice from financial professionals or advisors who can provide personalized guidance tailored to individual circumstances.


Follow-on public offerings (FPOs) play an important role in the stock market, allowing companies to raise capital for expansion, debt reduction and increasing liquidity. By understanding the FPO process, its objectives and impact on existing shareholders, investors can make informed decisions. Evaluating FPOs as investment opportunities requires thorough research, analysis of the company’s financial health and growth prospects, and consideration of one’s investment objectives and risk tolerance. With careful assessment and guidance from experts, investors can navigate the stock market and potentially benefit from FPOs as part of their investment strategy.

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